NJDEP Permit Compliance Isn’t Just a Good Idea… It’s the Law!

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection or NJDEP oversees the implementation of environmental laws in the Garden State. Its Compliance and Enforcement (C&E) inspectors annually conduct more than 24,000 assessments and compliance evaluations. Moreover, they also issue an estimated 6,000 enforcement actions.

Commercial establishments under the NJDEP’s jurisdiction are mandated to follow permit regulations. This is to reduce the adverse environmental effects when using equipment or processes that emit pollutants. Achieving NJDEP permit compliance means that the company meets the specific requirements to continue its activities in New Jersey.

When applying for a permit, enterprises need to identify which one is best suited to their operations and apparatuses. Determining the appropriate permits involves an assessment of the facility’s instruments. But this can be time-intensive and complicated. Consequently, many hire an NJDEP permit consultant to assist them with the task.

Reputable consultants like environmental engineers from Lockatong Engineering are well-experienced in working with different regulatory agencies. They are adept at obtaining applicable permits and can help throughout all the phases of the permitting procedure.

Observing due diligence to NJDEP regulatory compliance is not an option but a must for covered entities in New Jersey. It also brings advantages to the business, including establishing an environmentally sound reputation. Compliance can also be used as a legal defense to reduce an organization’s liability in environmental accidents.

Learn more about the role of NJDEP compliance with this infographic provided by Lockatong Engineering.

NJDEP permit consultants

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