Biometric Technology: a brief history (Infographic)

It is the study of measuring and assessing people’s unique physical and behavioral characteristics that biometrics falls under. Biometric authentication is predicated on the underlying premise that each person can be individually identified based on their intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. People being watched are identified and tracked using this technology, mainly used for identification and access control reasons. A technique of uniquely identifying a person via the assessment of one or more different biological features is referred to as biometric identity verification. There are many different types of biological IDs. For example, fingerprints, hand and earlobe geometrical patterns, retinal patterns, voiceprints, and written signatures are all instances of biometric identities.


Biometric technology is not a new concept, and its use has expanded more widely than most people had expected. A payment authentication method is becoming more used in corporate and government security systems, consumer devices, and point of sale applications, among other places. Additionally, since there are no passwords to remember or security tokens to carry, biometric verification has gained popularity as a result of its ease. Certain biometric methods, like gait analysis, may be utilized without direct contact with the person whose identity is being confirmed. In contrast to traditional biometric solutions, which rely on collecting biometric data locally and cryptographically hashing it to perform authentication or identification without direct access to the biometric data, contemporary biometric solutions often rely on collecting biometric data locally and cryptographically hashing it. The consequence is that biometrics may be considered to provide a high degree of detection and security activities, while also offering a number of advantages over conventional methods. The advantages of biometrics are that the unique information contained inside each person may be utilized to identify that individual. Thus, the main benefits of biometric technology include authentication, data privacy or discretion, permission or access control, data integrity, and non-repudiation. Biometric technology is becoming more popular.


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